Open Devices

For some of the Xperia™ devices, we provide Android™ Open Source Project (AOSP) device configurations on GitHub. This means that the software will be open for you as a developer to use and contribute to. This is a way for us to support the open Android community, and it is also a tool for us to facilitate and verify contributions to AOSP.

This project has been discontinued

As we take on new projects, some of the older ones are no longer updated from our side. This also means that when external domains we link to are no longer maintained or expire we might not have been alerted to it. However, this doesn’t mean that we want you to stop using, exploring or contributing to the projects.

SmartWatch hacker guide

Do you have an idea for how to use SmartWatch in new ways? Then feel free to use the reference information below as a base to build an alternative firmware version. But keep in mind this is for advanced developers only – we do not provide any support or instructions for how to create your own firmware.

General information about SmartWatch


  • The display controller is LD7131 and it is controlled via SPI port 1.
  • Display power is enabled by GPIO PC1.
  • The resolution is 128×128 pixels.
  • 65536 colours.



  • The vibrator is controlled by GPIO PB8.

I2C peripherals

  • The accelerometer is an LIS3DH from ST.
  • Datasheet for LIS3DH.
  • Accelerometer I2C address: 0x30
  • Interrupt line PB9.

Touch sensors

  • The touch sensor is from The Cypress, CY8C20236A-24LKXI.
  • Information about CY8C20236.
  • Sensor is reset by GPIO PB0.
  • Sensor I2C address: 0xA

Touch sensor protocol

//Mode bitflags
//Set when we have new data to read. Must be reset by host after reading
#define    	MODE_W4_ACK							0x01
//If not set only i2c will wake us up</em>
#define		MODE_WAKE_ON_TOUCH						0x02
//Stop scanning sensors. Must be set if command is issued</em>
#define		MODE_SCAN_DISABLE						0x04
//Enables the cypress algorithm.
#define		MODE_CYPRESS_ALGO						0x08
//Use sensorCompMul to compensate for sensor sensitivity
//(value = value * sensorCompMul[i] / 10)
#define		MODE_SENSOR_COMPENSATION				        0x20
//MODE_W4_ACK not used
#define		MODE_POLLED							0x40
//Go to sleep after (ticksInactiveBeforeSleep / 8)s
#define		MODE_SLEEP_ENABLE						0x80
//Set Finger Threshold values for all sensors individually
#define		COMMAND_SET_FINGER_THLD					        0x01
//Set Baseline Update value
#define		COMMAND_SET_BL_UPDATE_THLD				        0x02
//Set Noise threshold value
#define		COMMAND_SET_NOISE_THLD					        0x03
//Set Noise Negative threshold value
#define		COMMAND_SET_NOISE_NEGATIVE_THLD			                0x04
//Set Hysteresis value
#define		COMMAND_SET_HYSTERESIS					        0x05
//Set Debounce value
#define		COMMAND_SET_DEBOUNCE					        0x06
//Set LowBaselineReset value
#define		COMMAND_SET_LOW_BASELINE_RESET			                0x07
//Set Prescaler value
#define		COMMAND_SET_PRESCALER					        0x08
//Set Idac value
#define		COMMAND_SET_IDAC_VALUES					        0x09
//Set Resolution and Speed values values
#define		COMMAND_SET_SCAN_MODE					        0x0a
//Set sensorCompMul values for all sensors individually
#define		COMMAND_SET_COMP_MUL					        0x0b
//Get version info
#define		COMMAND_GET_VERSION						0x0c
//Set number of ticks (8 Hz) before going to sleep
#define		COMMAND_SET_TICKS_BEFORE_SLEEP			                0x0d
//Set number of ticks (8 Hz) to sleep before checking for activity
#define		COMMAND_SET_TICKS_TO_SLEEP				        0x0e
//Set the highest x/y value where calcPosLevel will be used
#define		COMMAND_SET_POS_LEVEL_MIN				        0x0f
//Set the lowest x/y value where calcPosLevel will be used
#define		COMMAND_SET_POS_LEVEL_MAX			        	0x10
//Set for maxLevelStartValue (used in calcPosLevel)
#define		COMMAND_SET_MAX_LEVEL_START_VALUE		                0x11
//Call touch_initialize_baselines();
#define		COMMAND_DO_INIT_BASELINES				        0x12
//Call touch_init();
#define		COMMAND_DO_INIT_TOUCH					        0x13
//Set calibrateLevel. 0=use default idac value.
#define		COMMAND_SET_CALIBRATE_LEVEL				        0x14
//Indicates unknown command
#define		COMMAND_UNKNOWN							0xfe
//Indicates completed command
#define		COMMAND_COMPLETED						0xff
//Read value of register, X is register to read, Y becomes the result.
#define 	COMMAND_GET_REG							0x21
//Read value of register, X is register to set, Y is value to set.
#define 	COMMAND_SET_REG							0x22
//Set Idac value
#define		COMMAND_GET_IDAC_VALUES					        0x23
typedef struct I2C_regs {
	BYTE mode; //See defines above
	BYTE command; //See defines above
	//sensor activity, one bit per sensor
	WORD sensorActiveMask;
	BYTE bX; //X position.
	BYTE bY; //Y position
	//Sensor difference counts, also used as parameter values for commands to and from Master
	WORD wSns0;
	WORD wSns1;
	WORD wSns2;
	WORD wSns3;
	WORD wSns4;
	WORD wSns5;
	WORD wSns6;
	WORD wSns7;
	WORD wSns8;
	WORD wSnsRaw0;
	WORD wSnsRaw1;
	WORD wSnsRaw2;
	WORD wSnsRaw3;
	WORD wSnsRaw4;
	WORD wSnsRaw5;
	WORD wSnsRaw6;
	WORD wSnsRaw7;
	WORD wSnsRaw8;
	WORD wSnsBase0;
	WORD wSnsBase1;
	WORD wSnsBase2;
	WORD wSnsBase3;
	WORD wSnsBase4;
	WORD wSnsBase5;
	WORD wSnsBase6;
	WORD wSnsBase7;
	WORD wSnsBase8;
// Usage:
// If MODE_POLLED is not set MODE_W4_ACK must be reset after each read.
// If a command is successfully executed command is set to COMMAND_COMPLETED.
// Set command to 0 to resume operation.
// To re-initialize the touch block send COMMAND_DO_INIT_TOUCH.
// To avoid strange values when modifying parameters
// MODE_SCAN_DISABLE can be set before commands are sent.
 Example: Setting a new value (c8) for IDAC value
 w 05 0 68 9 5 5 0 0 0 c8 p
 read back and verify that the command is executed
 r 05 @mode @command p
 set command to 0 to resume
 w 05 0 68 0 p