GNSS Add-on Firmware Updater


This manual explains how to use the GNSS Add-on Firmware Updater.

Follow the following steps to update the firmware on the GNSS Add-on board:

  • Step 1. Download spk file
  • Step 2. Download flash_writer tool
  • Step 3. Confirm USB connection port
  • Step 4. Flash spk
  • Step 5. Execute spk
  • Step 6. Uninstall spk


Perform the update with the GNSS Add-on board connected to the Main board.
Do not turn off the Main board, press the reset button, or shut down the PC while the spk file is being written and running, as this may cause the GNSS Add-on board to malfunction.

Step 1. Download spk file

Download and extract the zip file to an appropriate folder.

The folder where you extracted the zip contains a gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk file.

Step 2. Download flash_writer tool

To flash the spk file, you will need a flash_writer for your environment. Download the file from the following site and save it in the same folder where you saved the spk file downloaded/extracted in step 1.


Step 3. Confirm USB connecion port

Follow the instructions described in USB connection section to find the connection port name on your environment.

Step 4. Flash spk

With the GNSS Add-on board connected to the Main board, connect the Main board to your PC via USB.

Open a terminal on your computer, go to the spk and flash_writer folders downloaded/extracted in Steps 1 and 2, and execute the following commands. Note that where it says <confirmed USB serial port name>, enter the serial port name you confirmed in step 3.

.\flash_writer.exe -c <confirmed USB serial port name> -d -n -e nuttx gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk

./flash_writer -c <confirmed USB serial port name> -d -n -e nuttx gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk

./flash_writer -c <confirmed USB serial port name> -d -n -e nuttx gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk

An example of writing is shown below. It takes about 2 minutes to write.

c:\Temp>.\flash_writer.exe -c COM10 -d -n -e nuttx gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk
>>> Remove exisiting files ...
rm nuttx
updater# >>> Install files ...
Install gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk

1177488 bytes loaded.
Package validation is OK.
Saving package to "nuttx" 
updater# sync
updater# Restarting the board ...

Error case 1) If a "Not ACK" error occurs while writing as shown below, reopen the terminal and execute the same command again.

Install gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk
##########Not ACK, Not NAK
Not ACK, Not NAK

Error case 2) If a "Install failure.-28" error occurs after writing, after flashing bootloader(in case of SDK, Arduino), execute the same command again.

Install gnss_addon_fw_updater_v144.spk

1177488 bytes loaded.
Package validation is OK.
Saving package to "nuttx" 
Install failure. -28
updater# sync
updater# Restarting the board ...

Step 5. Execute spk

When the writing of spk is completed in step 4, the FW updater will start automatically.

The update process takes about one minute. Check the firmware version first, if it has already been updated, then the execution will be completed immediately.

The status of the execution can be confirmed by the lighting and blinking patterns of the four green LEDs on the Main board.

LED0 to LED3 blink in sequence during the update process.

When the FW update is successfully completed, all LEDs are lit.

If an error occurs, all LEDs will blink repeatedly. If an error occurs, check the connection between the Main board and the GNSS Add-on board and execute again.

Step 6. Uninstall spk

After the four LEDs are lit and the update is complete, remove the FW updater image on the board.

Execute the following command from the terminal executed in step 4.

.\flash_writer.exe -c <confirmed USB serial port name> -d -n -e nuttx

./flash_writer -c <confirmed USB serial port name> -d -n -e nuttx

./flash_writer -c <confirmed USB serial port name> -d -n -e nuttx