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Spresense SDK Library v3.3.0-375c679
lte_lwm2m.h File Reference

LwM2M API definitions provided by Modem. More...

#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <nuttx/wireless/lte/lte.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  lwm2mstub_resource_s
struct  lwm2mstub_instance_s
struct  lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s
struct  lwm2mstub_serverinfo_s


Identifiers of Resource Handling Side

Resource handling side identifier which is set on handl member in lwm2mstub_resource_s

 The resource handling is not cared This parameter set on handl member when you don't change it by lte_setm2m_objectdefinition.
 The resource is handled by host side.
 The resource is not handled.
Max size definitions

Several max size definitions

#define LWM2MSTUB_MAX_WRITE_SIZE   (1500)
 Max size of write data.
#define LWM2MSTUB_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE   (8 * 2 + 1)
 Max size of observation token.
 Max server name length in lwm2mstub_serverinfo_s.
#define LWM2MSTUB_MAX_DEVID   (256)
 Max device id length in lwm2mstub_serverinfo_s.
#define LWM2MSTUB_MAX_SEQKEY   (256)
 Max security key length in lwm2mstub_serverinfo_s.
Valid field bit map definitions

Bit position of valid_mask in lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s

 Bit position of min_period If this bit is set in valid_mask on lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s, min_period field has valid information.
 Bit position of min_period If this bit is set in valid_mask on lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s, max_period field has valid information.
 Bit position of gt_cond If this bit is set in valid_mask on lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s, gt_cond field has valid information.
 Bit position of lt_cond If this bit is set in valid_mask on lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s, lt_cond field has valid information.
 Bit position of step_val If this bit is set in valid_mask on lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s, step_val field has valid information.
Firmware update notifies

Event to notice when firmware update reporting by lwm2mstub_fwupstate_cb_t callback

#define LWM2MSTUB_FWUP_PEND_DL   (0)
 Downloading firmware image is pending.
 Updating downloaded firmware is pending.
#define LWM2MSTUB_FWUP_COMP_DL   (2)
 Downloading firmware image is completed.
#define LWM2MSTUB_FWUP_FAIL_DL   (3)
 Failed the downloading firmware.
 Firmware updating is canceled by server.
DISCARD: Registration command code

Those parameter is discarded. Those will be removed. Strong recommend to use Ltelwm2m_macro_regcmd

 Register to a server.
 De-register from a server.
 Update registration to a server.
Current server state

Current server status

 This device is not registered.
 Registering is pending.
 This device is registered.
 Registration failed.
 Registration updating.
 Bootstrap hold off.
 Bootstrap is requested.
 Bootstrap is on going.
 Bootstrap is done.
 Bootstrap is failed.
Resource operation mode

Resource operation mode which is set on operation member in lwm2mstub_resource_s

#define LWM2MSTUB_RESOP_READ   (0)
 The resource is "READ" operation.
 The resource is "WRITE" operation.
#define LWM2MSTUB_RESOP_RW   (2)
 The resource is "READ and WRITE" operation.
#define LWM2MSTUB_RESOP_EXEC   (3)
 The resource is "EXECUTE" operation.
Resource instance type

Resource multiple/single type which is set on inst_type member in lwm2mstub_resource_s

 The resource is "SINGLE" instance.
 The resource is "MULTIPLE" instance.
Resource data type

Resource data type which is set on data_type member in lwm2mstub_resource_s

 The resource data type is "NONE".
 The resource data type is "String".
 The resource data type is "Integer".
 The resource data type is "Unsigned integer".
 The resource data type is "Float".
 The resource data type is "Boolean".
 The resource data type is "Opaque".
 The resource data type is "Time".
 The resource data type is "Object Link".
Secure mode type

Secure mode type

 The secure mode is "PSK".
 The secure mode is "RSK".
 The secure mode is "CERT".
 The secure mode is "Non secure".
 The secure mode is "CERTEST".
Registration command code

Secure mode type

 Registration start command.
 De-registration start command.
 Re-registration start command.
 Bootstrap start command.
Response code for server operation

Secure mode type

 The request is accepted and the parameter changed.
 The request is to context.
 The request is bad request.
 The request is not authorized.
#define LWM2MSTUB_RESP_NOURI   (4)
 The request URI doesn't exist.
 The request is not allowed.
 The request is not accepted.
 The request is not supported.
 Internal error is occurred then the request received.
Server operation notification

Server operation code reported by lwm2mstub_fwupstate_cb_t callback

#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_WRITE   (0)
 Client received "Write" operation.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_EXEC   (1)
 Client received "Execute" operation.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_WATTR   (4)
 Client received "Write Attributes" operation.
 Client received "Discover" operation.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_READ   (6)
 Client received "Read" operation.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_OBSERVE   (7)
 Client received "Observe" operation.
 Client received "Cancel observation" operation.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_OFFLINE   (9)
 Client is offline now.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_ONLINE   (10)
 Client is online now.
 Client sent observation notification to a server.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_RCVWUP   (12)
 Client received wakeup SMS.
 Client received notification acknowledge.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_CLIENTON   (14)
 Client ON: LMM2M client exits Client OFF state and tries to re-connect server.
 Client OFF: LWM2M client has exhausted server connection retries.
 Confirmable NOTIFY failed.
#define LWM2MSTUB_OP_BSFINISH   (20)
 Bootstrap finished and completed successfully.
 Registration finished and completed successfully. all server observation requests are cleaned, the host should clean host objects observation rules too.
 Register update finished and completed successfully.
 De-register finished and completed successfully.
 Notification was not saved and not sent to server.


Callback function types

Callback function types to receive notification from server.

typedef void(* lwm2mstub_write_cb_t) (int seq_no, int srv_id, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst, FAR char *value, int len)
 Write request call back function type. More...
typedef void(* lwm2mstub_read_cb_t) (int seq_no, int srv_id, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst)
 Read request call back function type. More...
typedef void(* lwm2mstub_exec_cb_t) (int seq_no, int srv_id, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst)
 Execution request call back function type. More...
typedef void(* lwm2mstub_ovstart_cb_t) (int seq_no, int srv_id, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst, FAR char *token, FAR struct lwm2mstub_ovcondition_s *cond)
 Observe start request call back function type. More...
typedef void(* lwm2mstub_ovstop_cb_t) (int seq_no, int srv_id, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst, FAR char *token)
 Observation stop request call back function type. More...
typedef void(* lwm2mstub_operation_cb_t) (int event, int srv_id, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst)
 Server operation call back function type. More...
typedef void(* lwm2mstub_fwupstate_cb_t) (int event)
 Firmware update call back function type. More...


Functions before Radio ON

API functions which can effect before lte_radio_on()

Those functions can be called just after lte_power_on() until before lte_radio_on().

int lte_setm2m_endpointname (FAR char *name)
 Set endpoint name. More...
int lte_getm2m_endpointname (FAR char *name, int len)
 Get endpoint name. More...
int lte_getm2m_servernum (void)
 Get Server num. More...
int lte_setm2m_serverinfo (FAR struct lwm2mstub_serverinfo_s *info, int id)
 Server configuration. More...
int lte_getm2m_serverinfo (FAR struct lwm2mstub_serverinfo_s *info, int id)
 Get server configuration. More...
int lte_getm2m_enabled_objectnum (void)
 Get enabled objects number. More...
int lte_getm2m_enabled_objects (FAR uint16_t *objids, int objnum)
 Get object IDs of currently active objects. More...
int lte_enablem2m_objects (FAR uint16_t *objids, int objnum)
 Enable objects. More...
int lte_getm2m_objresourcenum (uint16_t objid)
 Get resource number on the object. More...
int lte_getm2m_objresourceinfo (uint16_t objids, int res_num, FAR struct lwm2mstub_resource_s *reses)
 Get the information of resources on the object. More...
int lte_setm2m_objectdefinition (uint16_t objids, int res_num, FAR struct lwm2mstub_resource_s *reses)
 Configure the resources of the object. More...
bool lte_getm2m_qmode (void)
 Get current Queue mode of LwM2M. More...
int lte_setm2m_qmode (bool en)
 Set Queue mode of LwM2M. More...
int lte_apply_m2msetting (void)
 Activate all configurations. More...
Functions after Radio ON

API functions which can effect after lte_radio_on()

Those functions can be called after lte_radio_on().

int lte_m2m_connection (int cmd)
 Control connection to server. More...
int lte_set_report_m2mwrite (lwm2mstub_write_cb_t cb)
 Register callback function pointer for write request. More...
int lte_set_report_m2mread (lwm2mstub_read_cb_t cb)
 Register callback function pointer for read request. More...
int lte_set_report_m2mexec (lwm2mstub_exec_cb_t cb)
 Register callback function pointer for execute request. More...
int lte_set_report_m2movstart (lwm2mstub_ovstart_cb_t cb)
 Register callback function pointer for observation start request. More...
int lte_set_report_m2movstop (lwm2mstub_ovstop_cb_t cb)
 Register callback function pointer for observation stop request. More...
int lte_set_report_m2moperation (lwm2mstub_operation_cb_t cb)
 Register callback function pointer for server operation. More...
int lte_set_report_m2mfwupdate (lwm2mstub_fwupstate_cb_t cb)
 Register callback function pointer for firmware update status. More...
int lte_m2m_readresponse (int seq_no, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst, int resp, FAR char *readvalue, int len)
 Response result of read request to the server. More...
int lte_m2m_writeresponse (int seq_no, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst, int resp)
 Response result of write request to the server. More...
int lte_m2m_executeresp (int seq_no, FAR struct lwm2mstub_instance_s *inst, int resp)
 Response result of execute request to the server. More...
int lte_m2m_observeresp (int seq_no, int resp)
 Response result of observation start/stop request to the server. More...

Detailed Description

LwM2M API definitions provided by Modem.