►NCustomprocCommand | |
CBuffer | |
Ccommand_base_s | |
Ccommand_header_s | |
Cexec_command_base_s | |
Cflush_command_base_s | |
Cinit_command_base_s | |
Cresult_s | |
Cset_command_base_s | |
►NMemMgrLite | Namespace for "Memory Manager" |
CManager | Memory Management Class for "Memory Manager Lite". User can create only one instance |
CMemHandle | Memory Handler Class for "Memory Manager Lite". This is only wrapper class for convert project-specific address |
CMemHandleBase | Memory Handler Base Class for Memory Handler Base Class. This class`s methods can called only from MemHandle.(Cannot call this class directory.) |
CMemPool | |
CPoolAttr | |
CPoolId | |
CPoolSectionAttr | |
C_stack_t | |
Cadjust_s | |
Cadjust_xyz_s | |
Cal_comm_msghdr_u | |
Cal_comm_msgopt_u | |
Cal_msg_s | |
Cal_wavhdr | |
Cal_wtask_s | |
CAlarmHandlerStatus | |
Cargbcolor_s | |
CArray | |
CAsActivateFrontendParam | |
CAsActivateMicFrontend | |
CAsActivateOutputMixer | |
CAsActivatePlayer | |
CAsActivatePlayerParam | |
CAsActivateRecognizerParam | |
CAsActivateRecorder | |
CAsActivateRecorderParam | |
CAsActivateSynthesizer | |
CAsCaptureMsgQueId_t | |
CAsCreateCaptureParam_t | |
CAsCreateEffectorParam_t | |
CAsCreateMicFrontendParam_t | |
CAsCreateMicFrontendParams_t | |
CAsCreateOutputMixParam_t | |
CAsCreateOutputMixParams_t | |
CAsCreatePlayerParam_t | |
CAsCreatePlayerParams_t | |
CAsCreateRecognizerParam_t | |
CAsCreateRecorderParam_t | |
CAsCreateRecorderParams_t | |
CAsCreateRendererParam_t | |
CAsCreateSynthesizerParam_t | |
►CAsDataDest | |
C__st_tunnel | |
CAsDeactivateMicFrontendParam | |
CAsDeactivateOutputMixer | |
CAsDeactivatePlayer | |
CAsDeactivateRecognizerParam | |
CAsEffectorMsgQueId_t | |
CAsEffectorPoolId_t | |
CAsFrameTermFineControl | |
CAsInitMediaPlayerPost | |
CAsInitMicFrontEnd | |
CAsInitMicFrontendParam | |
CAsInitMixerParam | |
CAsInitOutputMixer | |
CAsInitPlayerParam | |
CAsInitPostProc | |
CAsInitPreProcParam | |
CAsInitRecognizerParam | |
CAsInitRecognizerProcParam | |
CAsInitRecorderParam | |
CAsInitSynthesizerParam | |
CAsMicFrontendMicGainParam | |
CAsMicFrontendMsgQueId_t | |
CAsMicFrontendPoolId_old_t | |
CAsMicFrontendPoolId_t | |
►CAsNotifyDest | |
C__st_tunnel | |
CAsOutputMixDoneParam | |
CAsOutputMixMsgQueId_t | |
CAsOutputMixPoolId_old_t | |
CAsOutputMixPoolId_t | |
►CAsPcmDataDest | |
C__st_pcm_msg | [in] Decoded PCM notify message |
CAsPcmDataParam | |
CAsPlayerClockRecovery | |
CAsPlayerInputDeviceHdlrForRAM | |
CAsPlayerMsgQueId_t | |
CAsPlayerPoolId_old_t | |
CAsPlayerPoolId_t | |
CAsPlayPlayerParam | |
CAsRecognitionInfo | |
CAsRecognizerMsgQueId_t | |
CAsRecognizerPoolId_t | |
CAsRecorderMsgQueId_t | |
CAsRecorderOutputDeviceHdlr | |
CAsRecorderPoolId_old_t | |
CAsRecorderPoolId_t | |
CAsRendererMsgQueId_t | |
CAsRequestNextParam | |
CAsSendDataOutputMixer | |
CAssertExceptionLog | |
CAssertFenceLog | |
CAssertInfoBase | |
CAssertLocationLog | |
CAssertParamLog | |
CAsSetGainParam | |
CAsSetMediaPlayerPost | |
CAsSetSynthesizer | |
CAsSetThroughPathParam | |
CAsStartMicFrontendParam | |
CAsStartRecognizerParam | |
CAsStopMicFrontendParam | |
CAsStopPlayerParam | |
CAsStopRecognizerParam | |
►CAsSynthesizerDataDest | |
C__st_tunnel | |
CAsSynthesizerMsgQueId_t | |
CAsSynthesizerPoolId_t | |
CAsThroughPath | |
CAudioCommand | |
CAudioCommandHeader | |
Caudiolite_component | |
Caudiolite_decoder | |
Caudiolite_driver | |
Caudiolite_drvlistener | |
Caudiolite_encoder | |
Caudiolite_eventlistener | |
Caudiolite_evthandler | |
Caudiolite_evtmsg_s | |
Caudiolite_filestream | |
Caudiolite_inputcomp | |
Caudiolite_inputnode | |
Caudiolite_mem | |
Caudiolite_memapbuf | |
Caudiolite_mempool | |
Caudiolite_mempoolapbuf | |
Caudiolite_mempoolsysmsg | |
Caudiolite_mp3dec | |
Caudiolite_nodecomm | |
Caudiolite_nodecomm_if | |
Caudiolite_outputcomp | |
Caudiolite_outputnode | |
Caudiolite_runnable_if | |
Caudiolite_simplelistener | |
Caudiolite_stdworker_msglistener | |
Caudiolite_stream | |
Caudiolite_sysmsg | |
Caudiolite_thread | |
Caudiolite_timeprofile | |
Caudiolite_wavdec | |
Caudiolite_wavenc | |
Caudiolite_worker | |
Caudiolite_workercomp | |
Caudiolite_workermemq | |
CAudioObjReply | |
CAudioResult | |
CAudioResultHeader | |
CAudioSubSystemIDs | |
CavrcTrackInfo | |
Cbacking_store_struct | |
CBarometerClass | |
CBarometerPressData | Input pressure data to DSP |
CBarometerTempData | Input temperature data to DSP |
CBarSampleData | Frame of Barometer data |
CBasicQueue | |
CBasicQueueAddrTraits | |
CBasicQueueAddrTraits< drm_t > | |
CBasicQueueAddrTraits< void * > | |
Cbat_monitor_enable_s | |
Cbat_monitor_log_s | |
Cbat_monitor_rec_s | |
Cbat_monitor_set_s | |
Cbat_monitor_status_s | |
Cbattery_temp_table_s | |
Cbeep_ctl_s | |
Cbinary_info | |
Cble_addr_s | BLE address |
CBLE_ATTR_PERM | Attribute permission structure |
Cble_bondinfo_s | Bluetooth LE bonding information |
Cble_cccd_s | |
CBLE_CHAR_PROP | Characteristic standard properties |
CBLE_CHAR_VALUE | Characteristic value attribute structure |
Cble_common_ops_s | Bluetooth LE Common application callbacks |
Cble_conn_param_s | |
CBLE_CONN_PARAMS | Connection parameters for PPCP |
Cble_event_adv_rept_t | Bluetooth LE advertise report event |
Cble_event_bondinfo_t | |
Cble_event_conn_stat_t | Bluetooth LE connection status change event data type |
Cble_event_dev_name_t | |
Cble_event_encryption_result_t | Bluetooth LE encryption result event |
Cble_event_mtusize_t | |
Cble_gatt_central_ops_s | Bluetooth LE characteristic callbacks(for Central) |
Cble_gatt_char_s | Bluetooth LE GATT characteristic context |
Cble_gatt_coverrun_state_s | |
Cble_gatt_event_db_discovery_t | GATTC attribute database discovery event structure |
Cble_gatt_event_notification_t | Bluetooth LE GATT notification event |
Cble_gatt_event_notify_req_t | Bluetooth LE GATT Notify request event |
Cble_gatt_event_read_req_t | Bluetooth LE GATT Read request event |
Cble_gatt_event_read_rsp_t | Bluetooth LE GATT Read response event |
Cble_gatt_event_write_req_t | Bluetooth LE GATT Write request event |
Cble_gatt_event_write_rsp_t | Bluetooth LE GATT Write response event |
Cble_gatt_peripheral_ops_s | Bluetooth LE characteristic callbacks(for Peripheral) |
Cble_gatt_service_s | Bluetooth LE GATT service context |
Cble_gatt_state_s | Bluetooth LE GATT context |
Cble_gattc_char_s | GATTC characteristic structure |
Cble_gattc_db_disc_char_s | GATTC discovered characteristic data structure |
Cble_gattc_db_disc_srv_s | GATTC discovered service data structure |
Cble_gattc_db_discovery_s | GATTC discovered attribute database data structure |
Cble_gattc_handle_range_s | GATTC handle range structure |
Cble_gattc_overrun_state_s | GATTC discover overrun state |
Cble_hal_common_ops_s | Bluetooth LE common HAL callbacks |
Cble_hal_gatt_ops_s | Bluetooth LE GATT HAL |
Cble_hal_gattc_ops_s | Bluetooth LE GATTC HAL callbacks |
Cble_hal_gatts_ops_s | Bluetooth LE GATTS HAL callbacks |
Cble_idkey_info_s | BLE device id and key information in bonding information |
Cble_idkey_s | |
Cble_scan_param_s | |
CBLE_SEC_MODE | BLE security mode security level |
Cble_state_s | Bluetooth LE context |
CBLE_UUID | BLE UUID structure |
CBLE_UUID128 | 128-bit UUID structure for BLE |
CBLE_UUID_ALIAS | UUID base + alias structure |
CBT_A2D_AAC_CODEC_INFO | Data type for the MPEG-2, 4 AAC Codec Information Element |
CBT_A2D_SBC_CODEC_INFO | Data type for the SBC Codec Information Element |
CBT_A2D_VENDOR_CODEC_INFO | Vendor Specific Codec information element type |
Cbt_a2dp_event_connect_t | Bluetooth A2DP connection event data type |
Cbt_a2dp_event_recv_t | Bluetooth A2DP receive data event data type |
Cbt_a2dp_ops_s | Bluetooth A2DP application callbacks |
Cbt_a2dp_state_s | Bluetooth A2DP context |
Cbt_acl_state_s | Bluetooth ACL context |
CBT_ADDR | BT address types |
CBT_AUDIO_CODEC_INFO | Codec information element structure, used to provide info of a single type of codec |
CBT_AVRC_SUPPORT_NOTIFY_EVENT | BT avrc supported notify event |
CBT_AVRC_TRACK_INFO | BT avrc track info type |
Cbt_avrcp_event_connect_t | Bluetooth AVRCP connection event data type |
Cbt_avrcp_event_play_position_t | Bluetooth AVRCP play position event data type |
Cbt_avrcp_notify_ops_s | Bluetooth AVRCP application callbacks |
Cbt_avrcp_ops_s | Bluetooth AVRCP application callbacks |
Cbt_avrcp_state_s | Bluetooth AVRCP context |
Cbt_common_ops_s | Bluetooth Common application callbacks |
Cbt_common_state_s | Bluetooth base context |
Cbt_eir_s | The format of one data in advertising data |
Cbt_event_bond_info_t | Bluetooth new bonding information event data type |
Cbt_event_cmd_stat_t | Bluetooth command status event data type |
Cbt_event_conn_stat_t | Bluetooth connection status change event data type |
Cbt_event_dev_name_t | Bluetooth change device name event data type |
Cbt_event_inquiry_rslt_t | Bluetooth inquiry result event data type |
Cbt_event_pair_cmplt_t | Bluetooth pairing complete event data type |
Cbt_event_t | Bluetooth parent event data type |
Cbt_hal_a2dp_ops_s | Bluetooth A2DP HAL callbacks |
Cbt_hal_avrcp_ops_s | Bluetooth AVRCP HAL callbacks |
Cbt_hal_common_ops_s | Bluetooth Common HAL callbacks |
Cbt_hal_hfp_ops_s | Bluetooth HFP HAL callbacks |
Cbt_hal_spp_ops_s | Bluetooth SPP HAL callbacks |
Cbt_hfp_event_ag_feature_t | Bluetooth HFP ag feature event data type |
Cbt_hfp_event_at_cmd_t | Bluetooth HFP at command event data type |
Cbt_hfp_event_connect_t | Bluetooth HFP connection event data type |
Cbt_hfp_ops_s | Bluetooth HFP application callbacks |
Cbt_hfp_state_s | Bluetooth HFP context |
Cbt_spp_event_connect_t | Bluetooth SPP connection event data type |
Cbt_spp_event_recv_data_t | Bluetooth SPP Rx event data type |
Cbt_spp_ops_s | Bluetooth SPP application callbacks |
Cbt_spp_state_s | Bluetooth SPP context |
CBT_UUID | 128-bit UUID types |
CBuffer | |
Ccdjpeg_progress_mgr | |
Cchunk_list_s | |
Cchunk_s | |
Ccjpeg_source_struct | |
CCMN_SimpleFifoHandle | FIFO handle which holds data required to manipulate FIFO |
CCMN_SimpleFifoPeekHandle | Data handle used for CMN_SimpleFifoPeek() |
CCompassClass | |
CCompassData | Structure of Compass results. the result is returned only when COMPASS_CMD_UPDATE_MAG is specified as the command type |
CCompassDebugDumpInfo | |
CCompassResult | The structure of result on compass commands |
CCompassSetSoftIron | Adjust parameter of magnetometer sensor |
CCopyGuard | |
Ccrash_stack_t | |
CCustomprocDspCtrl | |
CCustomprocDspUserProcIf | |
Ccxd56_audio_deq_coef_func_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_deq_coef_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_dma_mstate_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_dnc_bin_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_i2s_param_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_ioctl_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_lower_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_mic_gain_s | |
Ccxd56_audio_sel_s | |
Ccxd56_geofence_mode_s | Geofence mode setting parameter |
Ccxd56_geofence_region_s | Region center point and radius data |
Ccxd56_geofence_status_s | Geofence output data structer |
Ccxd56_geofence_trans_s | The transition data |
Ccxd56_gnss_agps_acquist_s | Acquist data and size for AGPS |
Ccxd56_gnss_agps_frametime_s | Time from frame start[sec] |
Ccxd56_gnss_agps_tau_gps_s | Different time between AGPS and GLONASS Time |
Ccxd56_gnss_agps_time_gps_s | High precision receiver time |
Ccxd56_gnss_agps_tow_assist_s | Tow assist data and size for AGPS |
Ccxd56_gnss_agps_utc_model_s | Utc model data and size for AGPS |
Ccxd56_gnss_cep_age_s | CEP age info |
Ccxd56_gnss_cep_data_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_date_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_datetime_s | Date and time |
Ccxd56_gnss_dcreport_data_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_dop_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_ellipsoidal_position_s | Ellipsoidal position |
Ccxd56_gnss_gal_sarrlm_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_get_var_ephemeris_s | Sattelite ephemeris data |
Ccxd56_gnss_ope_mode_param_s | GNSS operation mode and cycle |
Ccxd56_gnss_orbital_param_s | Sattelite almanac, ephemeris data |
Ccxd56_gnss_orthogonal_position_s | Ellipsoidal position |
Ccxd56_gnss_positiondata2_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_positiondata_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_pvt_sv_pos_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_pvt_sv_vel_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_receiver2_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_receiver_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_rtk_setting_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_sarrlm_data_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_sbasdata_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_set_var_ephemeris_s | Sattelite ephemeris data |
Ccxd56_gnss_signal_info_s | Information for use after being signaled to read data asychronously |
Ccxd56_gnss_signal_setting_s | Signal setting for reading data asychronously The field 'enable' of struct cxd56_gnss_signal_setting_s to be given as a parameter must be specified as 1 when setting and 0 when unsetting. Field 'gnsssig' specifies the value of 'Signal types from GNSS', this is not POSIX signal. Field 'signo' is application specific number of POSIX signal. 'data' will be passed as an argument to the handler |
Ccxd56_gnss_spectrum_control_s | Signal spectrum output control parameter |
Ccxd56_gnss_spectrum_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_status_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_sv2_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_sv_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_test_info_s | Factory test info |
Ccxd56_gnss_test_result_s | Factory test result |
Ccxd56_gnss_time_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_timetag_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_var_s | |
Ccxd56_gnss_wntow_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_altitude_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_data_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_date_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_direction_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_latitude_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_longitude_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_setting_s | PVTLOG setting Parameter. If the log interval(cycle) is smaller than the positioning interval, it is logged every positioning interval. The output timing is specified by the ratio to the log buffer in the GNSS device by threshold. Possible values are CXD56_GNSS_PVTLOG_THRESHOLD_FULL, CXD56_GNSS_PVTLOG_THRESHOLD_HALF, and CXD56_GNSS_PVTLOG_THRESHOLD_ONE_DATA |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_status_s | Stored logs status of PVTLOG |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_time_s | |
Ccxd56_pvtlog_velocity_s | |
Ccxd56_rtk_carrierphase_s | |
Ccxd56_rtk_glonassephemeris_s | |
Ccxd56_rtk_gpsephemeris_s | |
Ccxd56_rtk_info_s | |
Ccxd56_rtk_setting_s | RTK output setting |
Ccxd56_rtk_sv_s | |
Ccxd56_supl_mesurementdata_s | |
Ccxd56_supl_posdata_s | |
Ccxd56_supl_trkdata_s | |
CCyclicHandlerStatus | |
Cdecimation_s | |
Cdjpeg_dest_struct | |
Cdnn_config | |
Cdnn_mallinfo | |
Cdnn_runtime | |
Cedge_detectf_s | |
Cedge_detects_s | |
Cedid_chroma_s | |
Cedid_info_s | |
Cedid_range_s | |
CErrorAttentionParam | |
CErrorResponseParam | |
Cfb_area_s | |
Cfb_bitfield | |
Cfb_fix_screeninfo | |
Cfb_paninfo_u | |
Cfb_planeinfo_s | |
Cfb_var_screeninfo | |
Cfb_videoinfo_s | |
Cfb_vtable_s | |
CFlagStatus | |
Cfmt_chunk_s | |
Cfullcontext_t | |
Cfwup_client_s | |
CGestureClass | |
CGestureDebugDumpInfo | |
CGestureSetRotation | Rotation matrix. Assume x_adjusted, y_adjusted, z_adjusted as adjusted x, y, z acceleration value accordingly. As well, x_sensor, y_sensor, z_sensor are defined as original x, y, z value from sensor accordingly. x_adjusted, y_adjusted and z_adjusted are calculated as follows: x_adjusted = x_sensor * xx + y_sensor * xy + z_sensor * xz; y_adjusted = x_sensor * yx + y_sensor * yy + z_sensor * yz; z_adjusted = x_sensor * zx + y_sensor * zy + z_sensor * zz; |
CGestureTypes | Structure of gesture type |
CGnssData | Struct of GNSS data for the execute command |
CGnssSampleData | |
Chandel_wav_parser_s | |
Chelper_info | |
Chostif_buff_s | Common buffer configuration |
Chostif_i2cconf_s | I2C buffer configuration |
Chostif_spiconf_s | SPI buffer configuration |
Ciir_coeff_s | |
Ciir_filter_s | |
Cimageproc_binary_img_s | |
Cimageproc_imginfo_s | |
Cimageproc_rect_s | |
Cimgdata_format_s | |
Cimgdata_interval_s | |
Cimgdata_ops_s | |
Cimgdata_s | |
Cimgsensor_capability_discrete_s | |
Cimgsensor_capability_elems_s | |
Cimgsensor_capability_range_s | |
Cimgsensor_format_s | |
Cimgsensor_interval_s | |
Cimgsensor_ops_s | |
Cimgsensor_s | |
Cimgsensor_supported_value_s | |
Cimgsensor_value_u | |
Cinfo_t | |
CInitClearStereoParam | |
CInitDNCParam | |
CInitI2SParam | |
CInitMFEParam | |
CInitMicGainParam | |
CInitOutputSelectParam | |
CInitSpDrvModeParam | |
Cjpeg_c_coef_controller | |
Cjpeg_c_main_controller | |
Cjpeg_c_prep_controller | |
Cjpeg_color_converter | |
Cjpeg_color_deconverter | |
Cjpeg_color_quantizer | |
Cjpeg_common_struct | |
Cjpeg_comp_master | |
Cjpeg_component_info | |
Cjpeg_compress_struct | |
Cjpeg_d_coef_controller | |
Cjpeg_d_main_controller | |
Cjpeg_d_post_controller | |
Cjpeg_decomp_master | |
Cjpeg_decompress_struct | |
Cjpeg_destination_mgr | |
Cjpeg_downsampler | |
Cjpeg_entropy_decoder | |
Cjpeg_entropy_encoder | |
Cjpeg_error_mgr | |
Cjpeg_forward_dct | |
Cjpeg_input_controller | |
Cjpeg_inverse_dct | |
Cjpeg_marker_reader | |
Cjpeg_marker_struct | |
Cjpeg_marker_writer | |
Cjpeg_memory_mgr | |
Cjpeg_progress_mgr | |
Cjpeg_scan_info | |
Cjpeg_source_mgr | |
Cjpeg_transform_info | |
Cjpeg_upsampler | |
Clte_apn_setting | |
Clte_ce_setting | |
Clte_cellinfo | |
Clte_edrx_setting | |
Clte_error_info | |
Clte_evtctx_in_s | |
Clte_evtctx_out_s | |
Clte_getpin | |
Clte_ioctl_data_s | |
Clte_ipaddr | |
Clte_localtime | |
Clte_neighbor_cell | |
Clte_netinfo | |
Clte_nw_err_info | |
Clte_pdn | |
Clte_psm_setting | |
Clte_psm_timeval | |
Clte_quality | |
Clte_ratinfo | |
Clte_reject_cause | |
Clte_siminfo | |
Clte_smsreq_s | |
Clte_version | |
Cltefw_injectdata_s | |
Clwm2mstub_instance_s | |
Clwm2mstub_ovcondition_s | |
Clwm2mstub_resource_s | |
Clwm2mstub_serverinfo_s | |
CMailboxStatus | |
Cmath_filter_s | |
CMemoryPoolStatus | |
CMicFrontendCommand | |
CMicFrontendCommandHeader | |
Cmipi_dsi_device | |
Cmipi_dsi_host | |
Cmipi_dsi_host_ops | |
Cmipi_dsi_msg | |
Cmipi_dsi_packet | |
Cmpbindobj | |
Cmpcomm_context | |
Cmpcomm_error_msg | |
Cmpcomm_free_msg | |
Cmpcomm_init_msg | |
Cmpcomm_log_msg | |
Cmpcomm_malloc_msg | |
Cmpmq | |
Cmpmutex | |
Cmpobj | |
Cmpshm | |
Cmpsignal | |
Cmptask | |
Cmptask_attr | |
CMsgLib | Message Library Class |
CMsgLog | |
CMsgNullParam | |
CMsgPacket | |
CMsgPacketHeader | |
CMsgPacketInfo | |
CMsgPacketInfo< MsgNullParam > | |
CMsgPacketInfo< MsgRangedParam > | |
CMsgPeakLog | |
CMsgQue | |
►CMsgQueBlock | Message Queue Class |
CTally | |
CMsgQueDef | |
CMsgRangedParam | |
Cmx7_config_s | |
Cnmea_raw_s | |
CNotifyStatus | |
COutputMixerCommand | |
CPlayerCommand | |
CPlaylist | |
Cpm_cpu_freqlock_s | |
Cpm_cpu_wakelock_s | |
CPowerOnParam | |
CQueue | |
CRecognizerCommand | |
CRecognizerCommandHeader | |
CRecognizerResult | |
CRecognizerResultHeader | |
CRecorderCommand | |
Crfb_backpixel16_s | |
Crfb_backpixel32_s | |
Crfb_backpixel8_s | |
Crfb_bell_s | |
Crfb_challenge_s | |
Crfb_clientcuttext_s | |
Crfb_clientinit_s | |
Crfb_copyrect_encoding_s | |
Crfb_fbupdatereq_s | |
Crfb_forepixel16_s | |
Crfb_forepixel32_s | |
Crfb_forepixel8_s | |
Crfb_framebufferupdate_s | |
Crfb_keyevent_s | |
Crfb_nrects_s | |
Crfb_palette16_s | |
Crfb_palette32_s | |
Crfb_palette8_s | |
Crfb_palettendx_s | |
Crfb_pixelfmt_s | |
Crfb_pointerevent_s | |
Crfb_protocolversion_s | |
Crfb_rawpixel16_s | |
Crfb_rawpixel32_s | |
Crfb_rawpixel8_s | |
Crfb_rectangle_s | |
Crfb_response_s | |
Crfb_rgb_s | |
Crfb_rrehdr16_s | |
Crfb_rrehdr32_s | |
Crfb_rrehdr8_s | |
Crfb_rrerect16_s | |
Crfb_rrerect32_s | |
Crfb_rrerect8_s | |
Crfb_sectype_connfail_s | |
Crfb_sectype_fail_s | |
Crfb_sectype_result_s | |
Crfb_sectype_s | |
Crfb_selected_sectype_s | |
Crfb_servercuttext_s | |
Crfb_serverinit_s | |
Crfb_setcolourmapentries_s | |
Crfb_setencodings_s | |
Crfb_setpixelformat_s | |
Crfb_solid16_s | |
Crfb_solid32_s | |
Crfb_solid8_s | |
Crfb_srle_s | |
Crfb_subrect_s | |
Crfb_subrectscolored16_s | |
Crfb_subrectscolored32_s | |
Crfb_subrectscolored8_s | |
Crfb_supported_sectypes_s | |
Crgbcolor_s | |
Criff_chunk_s | |
Cringbuf_s | |
CRingBuffer | |
CRuntimeQue | |
Cscuev_arg_s | |
Cscuev_notify_s | |
Cscufifo_wm_s | |
CScuSettings | |
Cscutimestamp_s | |
CSemaphoreStatus | |
Csensor_command_change_subscription_t | The command of change subscription of client |
Csensor_command_data_mh_t | The command of send some sensor data with MemHandle to the sensor manager. This function only can call on C++ |
Csensor_command_data_t | The command of send some sensor data without MemHandle to the sensor manager |
Csensor_command_header_t | Sensor Commnad Header. All sensor command has this header |
Csensor_command_power_t | The command of setting sleep mode to sensor |
Csensor_command_register_t | The command of resister a sensor |
Csensor_command_release_t | The command of release the sensor |
Csensor_command_result_t | The command of release the sensor |
Csensor_event_s | |
CSensorAssertionInfo | Assert information structure |
CSensorCmdArmGesture | Structure of arm gesture commands |
CSensorCmdCompass | Structure of compass commands |
CSensorCmdHeader | Header of sensor commands |
CSensorCmdStepCounter | Structure of step counter commands |
CSensorCmdTram | Structure of transport mode commands |
CSensorExecCompass | Command of Compass execute by a frame(a few sample) |
CSensorExecGesture | Struct of gesture for the execute command |
CSensorExecStepCounter | Command of STEP_COUNTER execute by a frame(a few sample) |
CSensorExecTram | |
CSensorFlushCompass | Command of compass terminate |
CSensorFlushGesture | Command of gesture terminate |
CSensorFlushStepCounter | Command of STEP_COUNTER terminate |
CSensorFlushTram | |
CSensorInitCompass | Structure of Accelstep setting for initilaize |
CSensorInitGesture | Structure of gesture type for initilaize |
CSensorInitStepCounter | Structure of Accelstep setting for initilaize |
CSensorInitTram | |
CSensorResultArmGesture | Structure of sensor result on arm gesture commands |
CSensorResultCompass | Structure of sensor result on compass commands |
CSensorResultStepCounter | Structure of sensor result on step counter commands |
CSensorResultTram | Structure of sensor result on transport mode commands |
CSetBaseBandStatusParam | |
CSetBeepParam | |
CSetMicMapParam | |
CSetPlayerStsParam | |
CSetRenderingClkParam | |
CSetVolumeMuteParam | |
CSetVolumeParam | |
CST_TAP_ACCEL | Accel data |
CST_TAP_OPEN | Coefficient required for tap detection |
CStartBBParam | |
CStatusChangedParam | |
Cstep_counter_param_s | |
Cstep_counter_setting_s | |
CStepCounterClass | |
CStepCounterDebugDumpInfo | |
CStepCounterSetParam | Structure of step setting for initialize |
CStepCounterSetting | Structure of Accelstep user setting |
CStepCounterStepInfo | Structure of STEP_COUNTER results |
CStopBBParam | |
Csupervisor_context | |
CSYS_CreateAlarmHandlerParams | |
CSYS_CreateCyclicHandlerParams | |
CSYS_CreateFlagParams | |
CSYS_CreateMailboxParams | |
CSYS_CreateMemoryPoolParams | |
CSYS_CreateSemaphoreParams | |
CSYS_CreateTaskParams | |
Ctap_mng_start_param | Tap manager initial setting value |
CTapClass | |
CTaskStatus | |
Ctflm_config | |
Ctflm_mallinfo | |
Ctflm_runtime | |
CThreeAxesSampleData | Frame of 3 axis data |
CThreeAxisSample | Structure of physical sensor sample data using 3 axis |
CThreeAxisSampleData | |
Ctimer_sethandler_s | |
CTrack | |
CTramClass | |
CTramDebugDumpInfo | |
CTypeHolder | |
CTypeHolderBase | |
Cunified_binary | |
Cv4l2_buffer | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF) and ioctl(VIDIOC_DQBUF).
Currently, support only index, type, bytesused, memory, m.userptr, and length |
Cv4l2_capability | |
Cv4l2_captureparm | |
Cv4l2_control | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_G_CTRL / VIDIOC_S_CTRL) |
Cv4l2_ext_control | |
Cv4l2_ext_controls | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_G_EXT_CTRLS / VIDIOC_S_EXT_CTRLS) |
Cv4l2_fmtdesc | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT) |
Cv4l2_format | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_S_FMT) |
Cv4l2_fract | |
Cv4l2_frmival_stepwise | |
Cv4l2_frmivalenum | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMEINTERVALS) |
Cv4l2_frmsize_discrete | |
Cv4l2_frmsize_stepwise | |
Cv4l2_frmsizeenum | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMESIZES) |
Cv4l2_input | |
Cv4l2_output | |
Cv4l2_pix_format | |
Cv4l2_plane | |
Cv4l2_query_ext_ctrl | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_QUERY_EXT_CTRL) |
Cv4l2_queryctrl | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL) |
Cv4l2_querymenu | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_QUERYMENU) |
Cv4l2_rect | |
Cv4l2_requestbuffers | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_REQBUFS) |
Cv4l2_selection | |
Cv4l2_standard | |
Cv4l2_streamparm | Parameter of ioctl(VIDIOC_S_PARM) |
Cv4l2_timecode | |
Cv4s_ext_controls_scene | Parameter of ioctl(V4SIOC_S_EXT_CTRLS_SCENE / V4SIOC_G_EXT_CTRLS_SCENE) |
Cv4s_query_ext_ctrl_scene | Parameter of ioctl(V4SIOC_QUERY_EXT_CTRL_SCENE) |
Cv4s_querymenu_scene | Parameter of ioctl(V4SIOC_QUERYMENU_SCENE) |
Cvesagtf_params | |
Cvideomode_s | |
Cwav_header_s | |
CWavContainerFormat | |
CWavContainerFormatParser | |
Cworker_info | |